Another future look for next season is knitwear, so dig out your knitted cardigans and shrugs and wear them with pride! In particular, knitted garments with a sheen woven into them or ones with shiny decorations such as sequins or beads. This look could be achieved by hand sewing some decorations on or by simply buying vintage garments.
Relating to the previous trend is delicate bead work in pale colours used as decoration on garments, be sweaters, cardigans or bags. Again, this could be done by hand if you have the skills (and patience!) or you could buy vintage items from a vintage shop or even online!
Lace and burlesque styles are about to be huge so stock up on satin bodices edged with lace, beautiful heels with lace incorporated into them and delicate mini skirts edged or decorated with panels of lace. Think sexy yet delicate, feminine yet confident, show-stopping yet subtle. Lace will also be used to accentuate patterns on garments, for example only using lace on certain parts of the pattern being used.
Furs or mock furs, animal skins, leathers, feathers and mohair are to make a come back too as they are all textured and luxurious, and various fastenings will be big as well, adding interest and delicate touches to garments that may otherwise be bland. So get ready to purchase lots of mock croc patent leather handbags with buckle fastenings, coats with oversized buttons and zips, and shrugs of furs (be it real or mock) decorated with feathers and unique fastenings.
Lots and lots (and lots) of layering one fabric over another to create a mixed up explosion of textures and colours in one place on garments. For example, pin striped material where the stripes are furs, or felt over the top of knitting, or tartan with bright colours running through it, or several layers of fabric to create 3-Dimensional decoration. Again, this could be achieved by adapting garments by hand or by buying vintage items where this technique has been used.
Of course, these are just some of the styles set to return in Autumn/Winter, this is not exhaustive at all. If you like the ideas expressed here and would like to try them out before the shops why not visit a vintage clothes shop or better still buy vintage online, let them do all the leg work for you!